Dwelling in the word: a visual essay on Senegalese sacred architecture



Attention1to Senegalese visual and narrative epistemologies suggests that “image” and “archive” are anything but universal or discrete terms of reference. Visual achievements captured by photographs often imply esoteric narrative, for example, and in the case to be presented here, while built environments possess practical functions, they also archive hu- man intentions and divine interventions. Through photo-documentation, processes and moments of meaning-making may be preserved, yet unless accompanied by the exegeses of those deploying what Alfred Gell might have understood as “technologies of enchantment” to construct and then dwell in their creations and so receive the active blessings (baraka) so realized, photographs may be reduced to the “pretty pictures” of souvenirs, with the memo- ries so implied only those of the photographer.2



Como Citar

Roberts, A. F. ., & Roberts, M. N. . (2021). Dwelling in the word: a visual essay on Senegalese sacred architecture. Livros ICNOVA. Obtido de https://colecaoicnova.fcsh.unl.pt/index.php/icnova/article/view/63